Manager, Special
Engineering Manager leading a small group of focused, high
performance team responsible for all aspects of custom
machinery and equipment. Our team would be responsible
for the technical sale, the equipment design, assembly,
testing and training. Some of our notable accomblishments
are highlighted below.
Design Engineer
Working with a project team, we provided innovative new designs
which remain, 25 years later, the core standard product offering
at both divisions of EH Wachs.
Deep Water Pipeline Repair Tool
Developed for Chevron, the Deepwater Pipeline Repair Tool
can operating in waters as deep as 10,000 feet to remotely
position. cut and prep up to 200’ of damaged pipeline
ranging from 12’ to 24”.
Unified Cutting Tool System
Developed for British Petroleum, the Unified Cutter was designed
to safely cut multi-string, oil platform production casings in a zero
visibility, underwater environment damaged as a result of
hurricane. The tool system designed to handle casing strings from
12” thru 24” is comprised of a quad clamp strongback, a 10’ axial,
360 degree radial spindle with 18” stroke, a 300’ powered umbilical
and 20’ Connex Control Room.
Mustard Agent Storage
Decommisioning System
Remote operated nerve gas canister sectioning station for
Bechtel Engineering (Aberdeen Proving Grounds installation).
The machining station used displacement cutting wheel
technology to sever the 30” diameter storage containers, verify
separation, then align split sections for washing at next
Super Hackzall for Naval
Training Reactor
Remote operated nerve gas canister sectioning station for
Bechtel Engineering (Aberdeen Proving Grounds installation).
The machining station used displacement cutting wheel
technology to sever the 30” diameter storage containers,
verify separation, then align split sections for washing at next
CVN-21 Bulkhead Drilling
Northup Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding had a design
challenge that required accurate arrays of penetrations
through ship bulkheads for the next generation aircraft
carriers. Current manufacturing methods have these large sub-
assemblies blocked 6-1/2” from the floor, then a drill machine
is jacked into place between the ground and the bulkhead. This
drill bores one hole at a time then must be moved and reset
up. This greatly increases the cycle time and lowers
penetration accuracy because each set up alters the drill
trajectory. Our design solutions utilized a self-propelled drilling
platform that could be driven under the bulkhead, raised into
position, and then accommodate 4’ x 10’ drilling patterns.
Low Clearence Split Lathe
Originally developed for the Navel yeards to service and
maintain the complex piping systems with minumal
clearence, the Low Clearence Split Frame lathe (LCSF)
changed the market for all MSO work in Oil/Gas, Power Gen &
Food/Beverage align split sections for washing at next station.
Valve Box Vacuum
Line of large portable vacuums for local municipalities. These
vacuums are normally mounted onto a trailer and are used
for cleaning valve boxes. They operate from 300-700 cfm and
can generate 15” hg
I have over 25 years of experience conceiving
solutions, developing products, providing services
and leading a team of developers in the metal
removal and valve maintenance industries. A
season and capable mechanical engineer that
started with EH Wachs (a division of ITW) in 1985, I
have gained expertise in a variety of disciplines
along my career path. This extended experience
gives me a broadened perspective and greatly
enhances my value as a developer and leader.