Don’t let your investment in equipment be allowed
to fade into the topography of the bone yard
because of changes in department staffing or
leadership. Give us a call; we will come to you and
train your team, on your equipment, on your
system, to:
set up a Valve Maintenance Program
properly use the equipment you have
keep the equipment in a constant state of
readiness through basic maintenance
We can have your crew, no matter their level of
prior experience, operating responsibly and
efficiently, using the industry’s best practices.
Making the most with the equipment you already have!
We provide SOPs to ensure regular and consistent
execution of the preventative maintenance,
inspection and exercising of valves throughout the
distribution system. Topics include:
Health and Safety
Roles and Responsibilities
Valve Assessment Procedures
Data Recording and Management
While there is a classroom component, the
majority of the training is hands on, in the field,
performing the tasks